The Whau and Albert – Eden local boards are planning to undertake design and feasibility work on the boardwalk connections between Holly St in Avondale and Heron Park in Waterview. The boardwalk has been proposed as a concept for a number years but is now ready to go into a detailed design and consenting phase with possible construction (budget pending) over the next two financial years.
Please see an information flyer that is being distributed to key stakeholders and members of the public inviting feedback on the project.
If you would like more information or can provide feedback please feel free to contact me.
Ian Lamont l Parks Project Advisor
13 May 2015
Phil Robinson said:
Hi Ian
In this area, s there are no links between adjacent streets, cyclists to enter the very busy Gt North Road to get to Heron Park and then to the quieter back streets of Waterview, Howlett Reserve and ultimately the NW Shared path at the motorway.
It would be great for recreational cyclists to ride on this new boardwalk!
11 April 2016
Grant said:
Hi Ian,
Couldnt agree more. It would be great if cyclists were catered for also, would provide a good link between Waterview and Avondale, and would reduce the length of Great North Rd you need to negotiate on a bike. It would also create a good loop via Waterview/Rosebank Rd for recreational cyclists.