Find out where and who to walk with.

Ponsonby Rd 40kph
September 2012 we celebrated the 3rd birthday of 40kph on Ponsonby Road. Take the pledge now and say out loud. I promise to drive under 40kph on Ponsonby Road. Join the FaceBook group Poster for the Sept Celebrations Bumper Sticker for …

Waitemata walking maps
There is a walking map of the Western Bays area. Side one is 11Mb big and can be downloaded here. Side two is 6Mb big and can be downloaded here. The local Boards are working on a new version of this map.

Walking groups and Walks
Walks in Waitakere A Personal 7 Week walking programme download the PDF here 7_Week_Walking_programme Contacts for walking groups in Auckland, thanks to Walking NZ magazine. Walking NZ groups Jan 2018 Auckland Women’s Tramping Group. We run women’s only hikes 3 times a month. Contact – Vanessa Belton …

Walk21 exists to champion the development of healthy sustainable and efficient communities where people choose to walk. Through the Walk21 Conference series and the International Charter, Walk21 have a vision to create a world where people choose and are able to walk as a way to travel, …

Past events

Walk to Work
Walk to Work day is a Wednesday around the middle of March each year. See the video of what we did in 2011

Beating the bounds
Beating the Bounds – A new tradition for your walking patch? Waitemata Local Board – Saturday 9th April 2011 Background In former times when maps were rare it was usual to make a formal perambulation of the parish boundaries on Ascension Day or during Rogation week. Knowledge of the limits …

Walking NZ magazine

Walking and work
What is a Workplace Travel Plan? A workplace travel plan provides solutions to workplace transport issues. It entails staff and management working to develop a responsive and coordinated plan for the business. The result is greater choice for the journey to work for employees, better service for clients and visitors to …

Walk to school
What is a walking school bus? A walking school bus is just like a school bus except children walk to and from school under the supervision of adult volunteers, making the journey to school safer. Find out more here

Auckland short walks
Here is website of Auckland walk descriptions. Here you can download North Shore walking booklets that include maps and notes. See the bottom of that page for the downloads. See the Western Bays Walking Map here.
Find our how walkable your neighbourhood is. Type your address into and it will tell your locality based on places and connection from Google maps.

Shared Paths with Cyclists or Separated?
Walk Auckland in conjunction with Living Streets Aotearoa prefer separation of people cycling and walking. The problem is the speed difference. We support with Position statement from Victoria Walks in Australia. Here is the Position statement