Walk Auckland Meeting Minutes

Meeting 16 Jan 2018

Present Andy , Gay, Bob, Jen

Apologies Paula, Grame

Talked about the death at 21 Ruakura Road Hamilton, the 12 seconds to cross 2 lanes and the fact its next to Hilda Ross retirement home.  Living Streets is working with HCC

Onzo dockless bikes.  There are many and most are ridden on the footpath.  Do Onzo have approval from AT?  Will ask Kathryn King.   If there is an arrangement then we would expect a “no footpath cycling” notice on the bikes.

The Symonds st motorway on ramp has gain notoriety as a walkers was run down and them billed by the insurance company of the vehicle.

Andy noted he has appealed the decision of the Adverting Standards Authority about its OK to have 2 cars parked on the footpath during the Police recruitment video.

Meeting and AGM 19 Dec 2017

Present Andy, Bob, Jen, Gay

Apologies and proxy Paula, Graeme

AGM started at 5:43.  the financial reports were accepted by the meeting.   was reelected as Co-ordinator. It was agree we should spend some money on an activity possible around Walk Month March.  Finished 5.53.  Reports will be posted on the Charities website.

The gathering continued at Cezannes Cafe.

Meeting 21 November 2017

Present  Graeme, Andy, Eleanor, Audrey

We talked of Abbi’s court case as she was run down by a person driving a car at her.

A letter from Phil Twyford the new minister of transport mentioned more walking.

Already traffic claimed suburbs like Grey Lynn and Ponsonby should have 30 or 40 kph limits.

There is no direct ‘no cycling on the footpath’ mentioned in the Road Code.  It speaks of who is allowed on the footpath like NZ Post and very small wheels.

Meeting 17 September 2017

Present Andy, Eleanor, Graeme, Bob, Andy and apologies from Jen

Eleanor told of here experience with a van on a footpath and the abuse she received.  The company is Redlite Electrics https://www.redlite.co.nz

Andy spoke of Abbi, a walking advocate, who around Middlemore Hospital reminded a driver not to block the footpath and was then pursued and run down.  The Police have arrested the drive and charged her with using a vehicle as a weapon.  More details to come.

We should ask AA to write and article on the rules round footpaths and crossing, Andy to follow that up.

Audrey and Andy reported back on the two Heritage Festival walks we ran on the Portages.  One have 3 people the other 23 walkers.

The Chapel Bar has had new footpath laid outside so the names defining outdoor dinning spaces need to be put back by the council.  We will keep an eye on this area.

Andy reported the low hanging signs in Pember Reeves st and they are fixed.

Graene is organising a Lower Speeds in Residential Areas workshop for Local Boards.

Andy attended an Auckland Transport Speed Management workshop.

Meeting 19 September 2017

Present Andy, Audrey, Red, Graeme, Bob

We have 2 walking events coming up on the Ak Heritage Festival.  Audrey and Andy are running these on Oct 8 and 15 as Walk the Portage South and West.   We have a local to talk at the beginning of the Oct 8 and Graeme will talk on the Oct 15 walk.

NZ Post electric tractors or Paxsters are more obvious on our footpaths now.  Living Streets has been following these changes and NZTA have left the local Road Controlling Authorities to say yes or no.  Auckland has said yes.  We also noted the new delivery automatous vehicles on the street of other countries.  See the LSA newsletter here.

Mr Easte is organising a Lower Speeds workshop on November 16 which we will attend.

Andy updated people on the SkyPath progress.

We talked about the ‘Footpaths are for People’ council flyer that is no longer printed.  Andy will investigate a presentation to the Ak Transport board public forum.

Meeting 15 August 2017

Present Graeme, Andy, Bob, Paula

Apologies Audrey

Subjects covered in the discussion.

  • Auckland Cycling Programme
  • Portage Walks in the Heritage Festival that will be run by us
  • Ponsonby Rd side road raised tables.
  • Countdown carpark exit onto Pollen street is not good for pedestrians.  We will observe take photos and build a case.
  • Ask for a speaking slot at the Ak Transport Board meeting to bringup drives crossing footpaths.
  • SkyPath update.

Meeting June 20, 2017

Present.  Bob, Andy, Graeme

Talked about the raised platforms being install on side streets of Ponsonby Rd.

Approved payments for the Waterproof your walk project.

Gave our Vision for the refresh of the Auckland Plan.

Meeting 16 May 2017

Present Graeme, Bob Audrey, Paula, Andy, Jackie

Apologies Gay

Grey Lynn Greenway is opening June 2 and you are all invited. 

We talked of the Waterproof you Walk project that Ak Transport contracted us to undertake.  Bob and Andy did work for this and will be paid from the amount received.

Hern Bay cycling and walking improvements around Sarsfield and Curran sts was talked about.  A difficult area.

In Hepburn st parking on the berm is out of control.  GE will talk with KK about policy.

Dominos and Hell Pizza are using electric bikes on footpaths in the Ponsonby area.  We will start photographing the offenders.

The Clendon petition for footpath cycling was discussed.


Meeting 18 April 2017

Present Jen, Andy, Graeme, Bob

Walk Auckland in conjunction with Civic Trust Auckland will run 2 walks during the Heritage Festival.  Named Walk the Waka we will walk 2 portages between the Pacific Ocean and the Tasman Sea. Sept 8 Otahuhu and Sept 15 New Lynn

Bob and Andy are working on a project for Ak Transport.  Its all about waterproofing your walk and we are logging the covered paths in the CBD.


Meeting March 21 2017

Present Gay, Graeme, Bob, Andy, Eleanor,

Apologies Paula, Audrey, Sandra

Results of Andy and Graeme’s meeting with Kathryn King was discussed

We need to find recent example of undulating footpaths due to driveways as they should not occur.

Updates for the Wellesley st buses changes and the 2WALKandCYCLE conference

Report from the Walking Alliance launch.