Walk Auckland Meeting Minutes

Meeting 21 Feb 2017

Present.  Andy, Eleanor, Gay, Bob, Graeme

Apologies. Jen, Paula

We chatted about the Footpath Cycling research that has just been published by NZTA.  We listened to Morning Reports from Radio NZ on the same subject.

The NZTA is supporting footpath cycling. Our members dont agree with this.

Meeting 17 Jan 2016

Present Jacob, Richard, Gay, Graeme, Mike B, Jackie

Apologies Paula

We welcome Jackie to her first meeting.

Ian McKinnon Drive.  Richard reported back and found most of the pedestrian ideas were ignored in the design.   Jackie suggested that a Safety Audit for Pedestrians should be done.  Jackie found that Chris Jones called this a Non Motorised User Audit.

At the next Kathryn King meeting we will bring up the point that the AT Walking page is sunk into the Cycling page.

Open Streets will be in April

Andy meet with the Outboard Motor Club about Stage 4 of the GI to Tamaki shared path. They have valid concerns of having there land purchased by AT and are looking for a win win result.

Meeting 20 December, 2016, AGM

Present Gay, Eleanor, Kit, Bob, Paula, Andy

Apologies Graeme, Richard

AGM.  The financial report was tabled and accepted by all. A vote took place for coordinator/treasurer and was re- elected with Graeme Easte as a bank account signatory.

The financial report will be available on the Charities website in the next few days.

Discussion happened over drinks and snax.

Kit “Views and view shafts are the inspiration during a walk on the Auckland paths.”

Meeting 15 Nov 2016

Present Bob, Richard

Apologies Andy, Graeme

At this week’s Walk Auckland meeting we discussed putting in a submission on the proposed changes to Karangahape Road.  The points we thought to include are:
-improving the footpath surface on Karangahape Road as its extremely slippery when there is any rain
-the need to keep a coherent walking route on both sides of the road that is free of street furniture
-The need to improve the ability of pedestrians to cross Gundry Street.  Its currently a very wide road and is hard and hazardous to cross
-the need to improve the ability to cross Edinburgh Street.  This is currently a bit of a nightmare- there are no lights and its difficult for pedestrians to judge if vehicles travelling from Howe Street are turning into Karangahape Road or into Edinburgh Street
-While the Ponsonby Road/ Karangahape Road intersection is specifically excluded from the proposed improvements, we think it should be included.  Its currently a very difficult and slow intersection for pedestrians to travel through due to the large number of vehicle phases and the absence of any automatic pedestrian phasing- this is a key intersection for pedestrian commuters.

Meeting 18 October 2016

Graeme Easte
Bob Tait
Eleanor Stanton
Sandra Eriksen
Apologies: .
1. Consultation on K Road cycleway – impact on pedestrians. Speculation that pedestrian crossing opposite Myers Arcade will go. What will happen around bus stops? GE notes option of cyclists going around the back, as in Melbourne (Ben Rossiter the expert). BT will prepare a proposal for Walk Auckland.
2. GE and will attend a meeting with Auckland Transport on Nov 11, to ensure Walk Ak gets similar access/treatment as Cycle Auckland. Likely items to discuss: next steps for the Path Project, new App being launched soon. Beca Carter and Fletcher Construction are offering free advisory service – any use for Walk Ak? GE says Greenways are now called Paths.
3. Pedestrians crossing entrances to private properties like supermarkets and petrol stations. Drop kerbs mean pedestrians have to step down off the footpath but it’s not there’s also the risk to pedestrians as vehicles drive in/out, need publicity and more awareness of pedestrians’ rights. Options include clear, obvious material of footpaths over driveways – pedestrian crossing stripes?
Meeting ended 6pm

Meeting 15 August 2016

Minutes of the meeting of Walk Auckland held on 15/8/2016 in the Leys Institute, Ponsonby

Present: Graeme, Jake, Richard, Will, Bob, Audrey, Jen, Eleanor,

Apologies: Andy

Andy, Eleanor and Graeme attended the Walking and Cycling Conference and were impressed by the Victorian Walks Advocate.  They did feel that the conference focused too much on cycling

Ian Mackinnon Drive

Auckland Council is proposing to close a vehicle lane and make a two way cycleway.  Walk Auckland members are concerned about the shared path on Ian Mackinnon Drive which mixes high speed commuter cyclists with walkers.  The proposed changes will do nothing to address this.  It was agreed that Walk Auckland would submit asking for changes to the shared path and that Richard would be the spokesperson.

Shared Paths

Walk Auckland members agreed that shared oaths only work at low speed.  Jen suggested that cyclists should be encouraged to use bells to let walkers know they are there.

Advocating for Walking to Auckland Transport

Graeme said that there used to be a walking and cycling reference group.  However walkers were outnumbered by cyclists.  Eventually the group was replaced by a cycling reference group.  Walk Auckland members do meet monthly with Kathryn King, the Walking and Cycling Manager at AT.

One recent success has been the decision by Auckland Transport to create a walking and cycling link to join Wellesley Street with the domain.  However, rather than reallocating existing road space it is building a separate bridge.

Future of Walk Auckland

Members acknowledge that the current membership and focus of the group is on the inner city and adjacent suburbs.   Is there scope for sister groups in other parts of Auckland

Meeting 21 June 2016

Winter Solstice and a Full Moon

Present Jen, Andy, Graeme, Bob

Apologies Richard, Paula, Eleanor

We looked at the plans for the Carrington Rd ped/bike crossing at Sutherland rd

Dominion rd back street cycle way has increased in use.

Meola rd was discussed and the speed of traffic.

Graeme and Andy attended the ATAP meeting hours before where it was announced that the Government will look into Road Charging to reduce congestion.  A step in the right direction for this government.  Traffic demand management is the future for Auckland.

Meeting 17 May 2016

Present Jacob, Richard, Jen, Paula, Bob , Andy

Apologies Eleanor, Audrey, Graeme

Andy gets all the consultations on road changes sent to him.  He will now send these to the group.

Open Streets on K Rd was a success and we welcome more of them.

Bob and Richard reported incidents on the shared paths Ian McKinnon drive around the Kings Arms.  Andy will talk with Kathryn King about this.

Are there stat on bike/ped crashes?

Andy will send out the Ministers letter on the Domino pizza delivery robots

Meeting 19 April 2016

Present. Andy, Eleanor, Richard, Jacob, Sandra, Bob.

Apologies Graeme.

We meet in the park opposite Leys as it is under going changes.  We then went to Cezannes to tea and coffee.

We have received 2 donation this month.  $345.50 from the Silo Film evening via Fresh Concept.  $254.20 from The Forum for Auckland Sustainable Transport that closed down and donated their funds to us.

We have been working on some route audits for Auckland Transport and have employed Bob, Andy and Sandra to do the work.

We are involved in the appeal in the Environment Court against the Road Stop notice on Queen Elizabeth 2 Square .  Working with Joel Hayford and the Auckland Architecture Assoc.